The AgriCoffee / AgriCafé team is formed by highly skilled professionals with extensive experience in the coffee market. Their profound knowledge of the coffee market is a strong differential, which reverts to our clients in the form of top quality services, professional support and excellence in all its operations.

Silvio Leite

Miguel Espírito Santo


Fernando Oliveira
Sales Manager


Alcídia Esteves
Logistics Manager


Anderson Dias
Sales Manager
Vitória da Conquista
Brench Office


Gustavo Borges
Sales Assistant
Vitória da Conquista
Branch Office


Gilberte Almeida
Financial Assistant


Natanael Loureiro
Sales Assistant


A specialist in coffee grading, tasting and quality control, Silvio Leite has more than 30 years of experience in the coffee business.

During the twelve years in which he worked for the Bozzo group, Silvio Leite dedicated himself to coffee grading and tasting. He developed and implanted coffee controls in the firm and was responsible for the quality control of all branches of the Bozzo group, based in Geneva, Switzerland.

During his fourteen years with Agribahia, a company of the Espírito Santo group, Silvio came to prominence as a specialist in coffee processing and quality control at all stages of post-harvest processing. He was Commercial and Industrial Manager, and as a Director took an active part in the administration of the group’s two farms.

An expert coffee taster, Silvio Leite is a cupper certified by the Brazil Specialty Coffee Association (BSCA) and has participated as a judge in many coffee quality contests, both in Brazil and abroad. He is the president of the international jury of the Cup of Excellence quality contest, one of the most prestigious in the world coffee market, which recognizes the best coffees produced in each country.

Silvio is a reference in the Brazilian coffee scene, especially in the state of Bahia, where he holds the posts of President of the Bahia Coffee Trade Center and of the Association of Coffee Producers of Bahia.

Silvio Leite is a founding partner of AgriCoffee and AgriCafé.